Code implementation
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind loading
- ASCE/SEI 7-05 (USA Internacional).
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.
Implemented in the Portal Frame Generator.
- Ordinance Nº3, 21st of July 2004 (Bulgaria): Basic principles for structural design
and their applied actions. Section VI: Wind loads.
Implemented in the Portal Frame Generator.
- Code regarding loads on structures. Earthquake loading
- Indian Standard IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002 (India).
- Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures. Part 1 General Provisions and
Implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D.
CYPECAD. New types of steel used in India for ACI 318 99 and ACI 318 08 codes with specific diameters and tables
Steel series Fe 415 and Fe 500 (used in India) have been implemented for concrete codes:
ACI 318M 99 and ACI 318M 08. Reinforcement tables containing commonly used bar diameters
in India have been included in these series.
CYPECAD and Metal 3D. Export to Tekla® Structures
- Export to version 16.0 of Tekla® Structures
The Export to Tekla module (common to CYPECAD and Metal 3D) can now export to
Tekla 16.0.
- Export of welds to Tekla® Structures
CYPECAD, Integrated 3D structures and Metal 3D can export to Tekla® Structures (versions
14.0, 14.1, 15.0 SR1 or 16.0) welds designed by the joints modules (Joints
I, Joints
II, Joints III or Joints IV). To be able to export, the user license must
have acquired the Export to Tekla module as well as the corresponding joints module or
CYPECAD. Integrated 3D structures
Copy integrated 3D structures
- Option description
This new option allows users to create a new integrated
3D structure in the current group based on one which has previously been introduced
in another group. The option is located within the Job menu: Job> Integrated 3D
structures > Copy
- Help available to explain how to use the option
As well as the help available within the dialogue box where this option appears, when the
user selects it, the program displays the steps that are to be followed in the bottom part
of the screen (below the Column Definition tab, Beam Definition tab….).
Rotate integrated 3D structures
- Option description
This new option allows users to rotate an integrated
3D structure. The option is located within the Job menu: Job> Integrated 3D structures > Rotate
- How to use the option
An integrated 3D structure can be rotated in two ways:
- By indicating the numerical value of the angle
- Select the integrated 3D structure to rotate
- Select the rotation point
- Select the rotation angle
- Graphically using reference points
- Select the integrated 3D structure to rotate
- Select the rotation point
- Select a reference point
- Select any point of the straight line joining the rotation point with the future
position of the selected reference point.
The rotation point and reference point do not have to be points of the structure.
- Help on how to use the option
The program has the following help options to aid users:
icon of the dialogue box
Help available in the dialogue box where this option is located.
- Step by step guide
When the user selects the option, the program displays
the steps that are to be followed in the bottom part of the screen (below the Column
Definition tab, Beam Definition tab….)
so the operation is carried out correctly.
- Provisional view of the new position of
the structure
The program provides a provisional display of the integrated 3D structure as the mouse cursor
is moved after the reference point has been selected and before selecting its future position.
- Rotation of the horizontal loads
If horizontal loads are present, such as wind loads, the program analyses and manages the
rotation of these loads together with the rotation of the integrated 3D structure. The program
will ask the user to confirm different actions, depending on whether the structure has or
has not got any loads included in a loadcase used by other integrated 3D structures or in
the job in CYPECAD:
- The horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure to be rotated act in a
loadcase not used by other integrated 3D structures or by the job in CYPECAD
this case, the program asks the user to define how these loadcase combine with one
another and with other horizontal load loadcases of the same type (wind, for example)
that may exist in the structure of CYPECAD or in other integrated 3D structures. The
program’s default
option is set so these loadcases are analysed as independent loadcases, i.e. they do not
act simultaneously with the others.
- The horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure
to be rotated act in a loadcase are also used by other integrated 3D structures or by
the job in CYPECAD
The program asks the user to choose between the following:
- Keep the horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure to be rotated in their current
loadcase and check whether they are valid later on.
- Apply the horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure to be rotated in new loadcase
combinations created automatically by the program.
In either case, the program then displays a dialogue box where the loadcases can be combined,
similar to when the loads of an integrated 3D structure to be rotated belong to a loadcase
not used by other integrated 3D structures or by the job in CYPECAD.
Align integrated 3D structures
- Option description
This new option allows users to align an integrated
3D structure. The aligning of a structure consists of a displacement and a rotation. The
option is located within the Job menu: Job> Integrated
3D structures > Align structure.
- How to use the option
An integrated 3D structure can be aligned by selecting two reference points and indicating
its new position. The reference points do not necessarily have to be points of the structure.
The procedure is as follows:
- Select the integrated 3D structure to align
- Select the first reference point
- Select the new position of the first reference point
- Select the second reference point
- Select any point of the straight line which will join the new positions of the reference
- Help on how to use the option
The program has the following help options to aid users:
icon of the dialogue box
Help available in the dialogue box where this option is located.
- Step by step guide
When the user selects the option, the program displays
the steps that are to be followed in the bottom part of the screen (below the Column
Definition tab, Beam Definition tab….)
so the operation is carried out correctly.
- Provisional view of the new position of
the structure
The program provides a provisional display of the integrated 3D structure as the mouse cursor
is moved after the reference point has been selected and before selecting its future position.
- Rotation of the horizontal loads
If horizontal loads are present, such as wind loads, the program analyses and manages the
rotation of these loads together with the rotation of the integrated 3D structure. The program
will ask the user to confirm different actions, depending on whether the structure has or
has not got any loads included in a loadcase used by other integrated 3D structures or in
the job in CYPECAD:
- The horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure to be rotated act in a
loadcase not used by other integrated 3D structures or by the job in CYPECAD
this case, the program asks the user to define how these loadcase combine with one
another and with other horizontal load loadcases of the same type (wind, for example)
that may exist in the structure of CYPECAD or in other integrated 3D structures. The
program’s default
option is set so these loadcases are analysed as independent loadcases, i.e. they do not
act simultaneously with the others.
- The horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure
to be rotated act in a loadcase are also used by other integrated 3D structures or by
the job in CYPECAD
The program asks the user to choose between the following:
- Keep the horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure to be rotated in their current
loadcase and check whether they are valid later on.
- Apply the horizontal loads of the integrated 3D structure to be rotated in new loadcase
combinations created automatically by the program.
In either case, the program then displays a dialogue box where the loadcases can be combined,
similar to when the loads of an integrated 3D structure to be rotated belong to a loadcase
not used by other integrated 3D structures or by the job in CYPECAD.
Metal 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD
- Rectangular concrete section with variable depth
The user can now introduce rectangular concrete bars with variable depth in Metal 3D and
Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD. These have been added to the circular and rectangular
concrete sections of constant depth which can be introduced as of previous versions.
Joints IV. Bolted. Building frames with rolled and welded steel I sections (New module)
- A new module has been implemented in this version: Joints IV. Bolted. Building frames
with rolled and welded steel I sections. This module allows for the automatic analysis
and design of the most typical rolled and welded steel I section bolted connections in
CYPECAD, CYPECAD’s Integrated 3D structures and Metal 3D. The implemented codes for this
module are:
- CTE DB SE-A (Spain)
- Eurocode 3 EN 1993-1-8:2005 (General document)
- Eurocode 3 EN 1993-1-8:2005 (General document adapted to Portugal)
- Eurocode 3 NF EN 1993-1-8/NA:2007-07 (France – National application document)
Code implementation
- Improvements in the application of cold formed steel codes
- AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LFRD) (USA): North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed
Steel Structural Members
As well as the analysis and design of simple box, circular hollow
sections and channels (implemented in the 2010.j version) simple stiffened box and W
(Omega) sections have been implemented.
- AISI/NASPEC-2007 (LFRD) (Mexico): North American
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members
As well as the analysis
and design of simple box, circular hollow sections and channels (implemented in the 2010.j
version) simple stiffened box and W (Omega) sections have been implemented.
- CAN/CSA S136-07
(Canada): North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
As well as the analysis and design of simple box, circular hollow sections and
channels (implemented in the 2010.j version) simple stiffened box and W (Omega) sections
have been implemented.
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind loading
- Eurocode 1 (general application document) – EN 1991-1-4 (2005)
Actions on structures.
Part 1-4: General actions – wind actions.
Implemented in CYPECAD.
CYPECAD and Metal 3D
Joints III. Welded. Building frames
- In previous versions, in the case of joints consisting of two or more beams fixed to
a column (one to the web and the other to a flange), if the beam with greatest depth is
fixed to the flange of the column, the stiffeners of the flanges of this beam interrupted
the plate coplanar to the web of the beam fixed to the web of the column. The connections
were designed correctly. Nonetheless, as of the 2010.k version, the program designs the
connection and extends the plate which is coplanar to the web of the beam fixed to the
web of the column so it covers all the space that lied between the flanges of the beam.
In order for this to be possible, the stiffeners corresponding to the flanges of the beams
fixed to the flanges of the column are divided. This way a connection with greater stiffness
is designed and more connections with different beam depths can be resolved.
Export to Tekla Structures
- The module Export to Tekla (common to CYPECAD and Metal 3D) allows for the structure
to be exported to Tekla 14.1
Metal 3D. Aluminium sections
- Symmetrical and asymmetric angles have been added to the existing list of extruded aluminium
sections of Metal 3D. Metal 3D’s Aluminium sections module now designs the following extruded
aluminium sections:
- I section
- Simple channel
- Plate
- Simple T section
- Symmetrical angle (new as of the 2010.k version)
- Angle (new as of the 2010. version)
- Circular hollow section
- Round bar
- Square bar
Code implementation
- Rolled steel code
- ANSI/AISC 360-05 (LFRD) (USA): Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
The analysis
and design of composite sections has been added to the analysis and design of simple
sections for this code, which has been available sin the 2010.a version of the program.
for non-hollow sections a check for combined forces with torsion according to the Von
Mises criteria. This check is detailed in the ultimate limit state (U.L.S.) report.
- Cold-formed
steel code
- CTE DB SE-A (Spain): Código Técnico de la Edificación. Documento
básico de Seguridad Estructural. Acero.
CYPECAD, Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD
and Metal 3D generate detailed reports of the ultimate limit states for cold-formed
sections calculated with this code.
- Eurocode 3 (general document) EN 1993-1-3: 2006.
Simple and stiffened L and
Z sections have been added to the existing list of rectangular and circular hollow
sections, channels and omegas (implemented in the 2010.e version).
- Eurocode 3 (general document adapted
to Bulgaria) EN 1993-1-3: 2006
Simple and stiffened L and Z sections have been added to
the existing list of rectangular and circular hollow sections, channels and omegas
(implemented in the 2010.e version).
- Eurocode 3 (general document adapted to France) EN 1993-1-3: 2006
Simple and stiffened
L and Z sections have been added to the existing list of rectangular and circular hollow
sections, channels and omegas (implemented in the 2010.e version).
- Eurocode 3 (general document
adapted to Portugal) EN 1993-1-3: 2006
Simple and stiffened
L and Z sections have been added to the existing list of rectangular and circular hollow
sections, channels and omegas (implemented in the 2010.e version).
- AISI/NASPEC – 2007
(LFRD) (USA): North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural
Implementation of the analysis and design of box, circular hollow sections and simple
- AISI/NASPEC – 2007 (LFRD) (Mexico): North American Specification for the
Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members
Implementation of the analysis and design
of box, circular hollow sections and simple channels.
- CAN/ CSA S136-07 (Canada): North American
Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members.
Implementation of
the analysis and design of box, circular hollow sections and simple channels.
- Code
regarding loads on structures. Wind loading
- DIN 1055-4: 2005-03 (Germany): Einwirkungen
auf Tragwerke – Teil 4: Windlasten.
Implemented in CYPECAD and the Portal Frame Generator.
- Code regarding loads on structures.
Snow loading
- Ordinance Nº3, 21st July 2004 (Bulgaria): Basic principles for
structural design and their applied actions.
Section V: Snow loads.
Implemented in the Portal
Frame Generator.
Joints II. Bolted (CYPECAD and Metal 3D)
- New types of bolted connections
New types of bolted connections have been implemented in the Joints II: Bolted module.
The following types have been added to the existing types of bolted joints:
- Column
At column to beam connections, which could be resolved in previous versions when the column
was continuous or at its last span, these can now be resolved with the condition of it being
at a column transition.
- Intermediate stiffener corresponding to the bottom flange
of beam moment connections with haunch
All bolted connections consisting of a one or two beam to column flange moment connections
with a haunch are designed in such a way that an intermediate stiffener for the bottom
flange is not required. The absence of this stiffener avoids problems that may arise
when placing beams pinned to the column web and allows for a reinforcement plate
to be placed at the column web if necessary.
- Bolted column to two beam moment connections
The two beam to column flange moment connections can consist of I sections, with
different slopes and levels. Additionally, the program allows for one of the beams
to have a haunch when the other does not.
Portal Frame Generator
- Detailed ultimate limit state check reports for purlins
The Portal Frame
Generator generates detailed ultimate limit state reports for the designed purlins. Having
checked the designed purlins (menu > Job data > Lateral and roof purlin
edition > Select Purlins on roof or Purlins on sides > Accept button) the U.L.S.
Checks button is available in the emerging dialogue box, which allows for the user
to visualise and print these reports.
- Force and deflection calculation in purlins
The wind and snow loads
on the purlins are analysed in strips for the codes which specify they must be designed
in that way.
Code implementation
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind loading
- Bulletin nº9 / 80: Provisional recommendations for the wind analysis of structures
(1980) (Dominican Republic). Implemented in CYPECAD.
- Code regarding loads on structures. Earthquake loading
- Eurocode 8: EN
1998-1 (EU International). Design of structures for earthquake resistance.
Part 1: General
rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings.
Implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D.
Implementations in the French version of CYPE programs
- Export to ADEFER
CYPECAD can generate files containing information of the beam reinforcement obtained after
the analysis. These are generated in a format which can then be imported by ADEFER (PROGISCAD
reinforcement detailing program that works on AutoCAD platform)
- New common mesh diameters
A new steel series with commonly used diameters for meshes has been implemented for
the BAEL code. These are available for the following elements, named Trellis soudé
(fe= 500Mpa).
- Flat,
waffle and joist floor slabs
- Mat foundations
- Footings
Code implementation
- Code regarding loads on structures. Earthquake loading
- Manual M-001 1979 (Dominican Republic) for CYPECAD and Metal 3D
Provisional recommendations for the seismic analysis of structures
CYPECAD and Metal 3D
- Grouping of seismic codes in their respective countries
Within the earthquake code selection dialogue boxes in CYPECAD and Metal 3D, the user
selects the country and to the right the seismic code of the country with which the job is
to be designed to, for those cases in which there is more than one code available with the
program. In previous versions a list was present displaying all the codes available in which
the country each code corresponded to was indicated.
Code implementation
- Code regarding loads on structures. Earthquake loading
- DIN 4149:2005-04 (Germany) for CYPECAD and Metal 3D
Bauten in deutschen Erdbebengebieten.
Lastannahmen, Bemessung und Ausführung üblicher Hochbauten
- Code regarding loads on structures. Snow
- DIN 1055-5: 2005-07 (Germany) for the Portal frame generator
Einwirkungen auf Tragwerke
– Teil 5: Schnee – und Eislasten
Joints (CYPECAD and Metal 3D)
Improvements in the Joints I. Welded. Warehouses with rolled and welded steel I sections module
- Intermediate stiffener corresponding to the bottom flange of fixed beams with
All welded connections consisting of one or two beams with haunches fixed to the flanges
of the column are designed in such a way that the intermediate stiffener corresponding to
the bottom flange is not required. The absence of this stiffener avoids problems when trying
to connect beams to the web of the column.
These stiffeners were suppressed for some cases
in the 2010.e version.
- Two beam to column flange fixed welded connection
The program allows, for all types of welded connections consisting of two lintels fixed
to the column flanges which have been designed using the Joints I module (with one or two
beams pinned to the web of the columns, at the end of the column, at a column transition,
with a continuous column, with or without haunches…) for the lintels to be of different sections,
with different slopes and any level, with the added option that only one haunch may be present.
- One or two beam to column web pinned welded connection
The one or two beam to column web pinned welded connection has been implemented when this
occurs at column transitions. When there are two pinned lintels, they may be of different
sections and slopes (at column ends, at column transition or at continuous column).
- Beam to column flange pinned welded connection at column transition
A beam to column flange pinned welded connection has been implemented when this occurs at
column transitions.
- Joining of elements with differing sections
Elements of differing sections may be joined together by means of a welded connection as
long as the flanges of one of the elements remain contained within the flanges of the other.
A haunch may be provided at the connection.
Improvements in the Joints III. Welded. Building frames with rolled and welded steel I sections module
- Implemented welded connection: beam to column web fixed welded connection (at
column transition), and with two orthogonally pinned beams.
- Column flange to two lintel fixed connections with one or two orthogonally pinned
beams to the column web
Implemented welded connections: Column flange to two lintel fixed connections with one
or two orthogonally pinned beams to the column web (at column ends, at column transition
and at continuous column). Lintels can be of differing sections and at any level, regardless
of whether there are beams pinned to the web of the column.
- Joining of elements with
differing sections
Elements of differing sections may be joined together by means of a welded connection as
long as the flanges of one of the elements remain contained within the flanges of the other.
General improvements in the Joints modules (Joints I, II and III)
- View uniformity and detail sections of similar joints
The criteria to obtain the views and sections of the details of similar joints are
- Message information when unable to design
The messages as to why a connection or design has not been dimensioned have been improved.
Improvements for all programs
DWG files generated by AutoCAD 2010
As of the 2010.g version of the program, all CYPE programs can read files in DWG format
which have been generated by AutoCAD 2010.
Publish jobs on internet
- A new option has been implemented for all CYPE programs in which the user can share a
job compressed in ‘CYP’ format (CYPE’s own format) on internet. The job will be published
on a server and will be accessible to third parties via a private link. Therefore, only
those who know the correct link will have access to the job.
To use this
option, simply select a job form the File manager dialogue box (File > File
manager) in any CYPE program and click on the Share button. The user can
include a title and a comment in the job to be shared. Another dialogue box will then appear
which indicated the link where the job is located, which may be copied by selecting it using
the left mouse button so it may be provided to the person he/she wishes to see it. This dialogue
box also opens the webpage where the job has been published.
The file links.txt,
which is generated in the directory usr/cype/cypecad contains the links of all the jobs that
have been published. This file also contains the links of the screen images that have been
captured and published using the option described in the section below.
Capture images to share on internet
- Any CYPE program screen can be captured to then share on internet via a private link
which the user can then provide to or publish wherever he/she wishes to. Only those who
know this link will have access to the captured image.
The image capture option is activated by pressing the F12 button of the keyboard whilst
the active window on screen is that of a CYPE program. A dialogue box will then appear displaying
the captured screen image and where the user can assign it a name and add a comment. Within
this dialogue box, the user has the option to select only part of the captured image for
it to be published. To do so, select the area of the image by opening a selection window
over the image using the left mouse button.
Having accepted the dialogue box, the program
offers the user in a different window, two types of URL addresses so the user may insert
the captures in any forum. The selected address will depend on which forum the URL is to
be published at. Within the same window, the link which allows access to the published
screen from any internet connection is provided.
The file links.txt, which
is generated in the directory usr/cype/cypecad contains the links of all the published
screen images. This file also contains the links of the jobs that have been published using
the option described in the section Publish jobs on internet.
Search for jobs
To help in locating jobs, a new search option has been implemented within the File
manager dialogue box (File > File manager). Upon clicking on the Search button,
the Search for job using thesaurus dialogue box appears. This options
allows the user to search for jobs in the directory selected in the previous dialogue box
(File manager) which contain the word indicated by the user in their name or description.
Code implementation
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind
- E.020 Technical Code (Peru)
Improvements in code application
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind
- Cahier des Prescriptions Communes Aplicables au Calcul des Surcharges dues au Vent (Morocco)
Deflection in waffle slabs and flat slabs
- The user may now consult the deflection between two selected points, belonging to
waffle slabs or flat slabs, (Results tab, Envelopes > Deflection between two points;
Contour maps tab Flat/ Waffle slabs > Deflection between two points).
The user can
visualise the secant or tangential deflection at a point, and for each of these, their
respective maximum relative, maximum absolute or the deflection between the two points.
Additionally, the user may select the simple loadcase, combination loadcase, worst
case combination and amplification factor for which the deflection values are going
to be calculated.
The dialogue box where these options are selected contains help windows
containing further explanations of the options.
Double joist introduction
- The user can now choose to which side the extra joist is going to be placed at by placing
the cursor to one side or the other of the existing joist. The procedure is the same for
when deleting a double joist.
Changing the insertion point of floor slabs
- When modifying the insertion point of a floor slab, the user can now snap to a
joist or element drawn in the DXF or DWG template.
Compatibility with Windows 7
- CYPE has satisfactorily tested its software with the new Windows 7 operating system.
We therefore guarantee our programs operate with Windows 7.
Code implementation
- Cold formed steel code
- Eurocode 3 (general document) EN 1993-1-3: 2006. For circular and rectangular hollow
sections, channels and omega shaped sections.
- Eurocode 3 (general document adapted to Bulgaria) EN 1993-1-3: 2006. For circular and
rectangular hollow sections, channels and omega shaped sections.
- Eurocode 3 (general document adapted to Portugal) EN 1993-1-3: 2006. For circular and
rectangular hollow sections, channels and omega shaped sections.
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind
- NC 285: 2003 (Cuba). Implemented in CYPECAD
- NV65: 2009 (France). Implemented in the Portal Frame Generator.
The section of the NV65
(Règles définissant les effets de la neige et du vent sur les constructions et annexes)
related to the calculation of live loads due to wind has been implemented.
- Code regarding loads on structures. Snow
- N 84 (France) Règles définissant les effets de la neige et du vent sur les constructions
et annexes (2009). Implemented in the Portal Frame Generator.
- Code regarding loads on structures. Earthquake loading
- E.030 Technical code. Earthquake resistant design (Peru). Implemented in CYPECAD and
Metal 3D.
Improvements in code application
Joints (CYPECAD and Metal 3D)
New welded joints for the Joints I module (warehouses)
- Column transition joints
- Welded joints consisting of a lintel fixed to a column flange (with a haunch, without
a haunch or with the beam at any angle with respect to the horizontal plane), with one
or no orthogonal pinned beams.
- Welded joints consisting of a lintel pinned to a column flange (with the beam at any
angle with respect to the horizontal plane), without orthogonal pinned beams.
- Welded joints consisting of two lintels pinned to a column’s flanges (with a haunch,
without a haunch or at any angle with respect to the horizontal plane), without orthogonal
pinned beams. The lintels can have different depths, different slopes, their flanges
do not have to be level, one can also have a haunch whilst the other does not.
- Beam connections
- Welded ridge joints using an end plate for beams possessing different depths even if
unlevelled and without the flanges having to coincide (as long as the flanges of one of
the beams are contained within those of the other). The beams may be inclined differently
(in previous versions, the slope difference had to be small).
- Welded joints consisting of a horizontal beam connecting to an ascending or descending
beam. The beams may have different depths, do not have to be levelled and their flanges
do not have to coincide ( as long as the flanges of one of the beams are contained within
those of the other).
Improvements in the Joints I module (warehouses)
- The lintel arrangements at column transition points indicated in the previous section (lintels
with different depths and /or inclination, one with a haunch and the other without, without
the need of the flanges having to be at the same level…) are also valid for joints with a
continuous column or at the end of a column. These joints already existed in previous versions
and now their properties have been improved so to have the same advantages as joints at column
New welded joints for the Joints III module (building frames)
- Some joints belonging to the Joints I module (Welded. Warehouses with rolled and welded
steel I sections) have been added to those available with the Joints III module (Welded.
Building frames with rolled and welded steel I sections) with some arrangement restrictions
(beams cannot have haunches and have to be horizontal, except at the end of a column).
This way, pinned joints in a building structure can be designed only using the Joints III
module. The following types of joints have been added:
- Joints at column transitions
- Welded joints consisting of a lintel fixed to a column flange (without haunch and
with horizontal beams), with one or no orthogonal pinned beams.
- Welded joints consisting of two lintels fixed to a column’s flanges (without haunches
and with horizontal beams), without orthogonal pinned beams. The lintels can have different
depths and their flanges do not have to have to be at the same level.
- Joints at continuous column connections
The Joints III module only resolves nodes with continuous column connections in the Integrated
3D structures of CYPECAD or in Metal 3D.
- Welded joints consisting of a lintel fixed to a column flange (without haunch and
with horizontal beams), without pinned beams orthogonal to the web.
- Welded joints consisting of two lintels fixed to a column’s flanges (without haunch,
and with horizontal beams), without orthogonal pinned beams.
- Joints at column ends
- Welded joints consisting of a lintel fixed to a column flange (without haunch and with
beams at any angle with respect to the horizontal plane), with one, two or no orthogonal
pinned beams.
- Welded joints consisting of two lintels fixed to a column’s flanges (without a haunch
and with horizontal beams), without orthogonal pinned beams.
Other improvements in the Joints modules
- Intermediate stiffener corresponding to the bottom flange of fixed beams with
haunches (Joints I module)
The intermediate stiffener corresponding to the bottom flange has been removed for welded
joints consisting of one or two beams with haunches fixed to a column’s flanges (Joints I
module – welded joints for warehouses) in the following cases:
- Joints consisting of a beam fixed to a column flange with one or no orthogonal beams
pinned to the column web
- Joints consisting of two lintels fixed to a column’s flanges without beams pinned to
the column web.
These joints are designed in such a way that the intermediate stiffener that has been removed
is not required. The absence of this stiffener avoids problems which arise when pinning the
beams to the column web.
This stiffener will gradually be removed from more joints in future updates.
- 3D views of joints resolved by non-acquired modules
Even though the user license does not contain the joints modules, the program allows
the user to activate the joints design. After this procedure, 3D views of the joints that
could be resolved with the non-acquired modules can be seen. Details, reports
and take-offs of these joints are not displayed. When the cursor is placed over one of
these nodes, a warning appears displaying the non-acquired modules that have been used
to design the joint.
- Joint design options using the Brazilian code: ANBT NBR 8800:2008
design options for welded joints can be configured when the Brazilian code (ANBT NBR 8800:2008)
has been selected (in CYPECAD and Metal 3D: Joints > Options and in CYPECAD:
Job > Joint analysis options).
- Identification of joints modules acquired in the
user license
A list is displayed in the Analysis dialogue box (appears when a structure or joints are
being analysed) which shows the joints modules which are implemented. Each of them has a
mark on their left that indicates which are included and which are not in the user license
being used to carry out the analysis.
New type of panel. Panels awaiting definition
- A new type of panel has been included in the program: Awaiting definition.
Introduction method and properties of panels awaiting definition
- When a structural perimeter is defined by means of beams or walls, the program automatically
assigns a panel awaiting definition to the inside of this perimeter.
- Using the option Awaiting definition from the Panel manager dialogue
box (Slabs > Panel manager > Define panel) any opening or previously defined
panel can be changed to one awaiting definition.
- Panels awaiting definition can be substituted by openings (Slabs > Panel manager > Delete
panel) or by any other type of panel available in CYPECAD (Slabs > Panel manager > Define
- A panel awaiting definition can be assigned an elevation change, a slope and a depth.
If the depth is assigned, any flat beams around its perimeter will adopt this depth.
- Jobs containing panels awaiting definition cannot be analysed.
Benefits of using panels awaiting definition
- There is less probability of the user forgetting to define a panel before the analysis,
as it is not possible to analyse a job containing this type of panel. The program automatically
introduces this panel when a structural outline (by means of beams or walls) is created.
- The depths of any flat beams surrounding this panel adopt the depth of this panel
if it has been previously defined or if the structure has been imported from an IFC
file. In these cases, the program does not inquire if a depth is to be assigned to
each flat beam when changing groups or when saving the job before the final type of
panel has been defined.
- The panel awaiting definition is displayed in the 3D views. This allows the user
to have a 3D view in which openings and slabs can be seen before the final type of
panel has been introduced.
- Importing of IFC files is improved. These improvements can be seen in the Automatic
job introduction. CAD/BIM models section.
Automatic job introduction. CAD/BIM models
- Improvements when importing IFC format files
In this version, CYPECAD imports the slabs contained in the IFC files as slabs awaiting
definition (new type of panel of the 2010.e version). These are imported with their corresponding
elevation changes and slopes and CYPECAD assigns them a structural depth deduced from
the data contained within the IFC file. More information on the properties of the new
type of panel of CYPECAD can be found in New type of panel. Panels awaiting definition.
previous versions only slab outlines were imported and all appeared as openings. Using
the current import, the user can distinguish between real openings and floor slabs.
does differ between the IFCROOF and IFCSLAB entities. Therefore in the case of roofs,
CYPECAD allows for the user to select the types of beam which are to be assigned to
outlines and those which are to be assigned to ridge or valley beams.
Job data for timber and extruded aluminium
- Within the general data dialogue box of CYPECAD (Job > General data, from the Column
Definition, Beam Definition or Results tabs) the default properties of concrete and steel
can be defined and now it may also be done for timber and extruded aluminium. The data
introduced for these two materials only affects timber or aluminium bars which the integrated
3D structures may contain, whether these have been introduced using CYPECAD or Metal 3D.
Each timber or aluminium bar of the integrated 3D structures can have properties different
to the default properties defined for the job within the General data dialogue box (Bar > Describe
material, from an editing window of an integrated 3D structure).
Column baseplates in CYPECAD designed using the Joints modules
- The baseplates of I section columns introduced in the Column Definition tab
of CYPECAD are automatically designed as welded plates when the joints are designed.
- Sum of the forces of the columns, shear walls and walls by loadcase and floor
may be selected together with the rest of the Forces in columns, shear walls and walls
reports (File > Print > Job report > Forces and reinforcement in columns, shear
walls and walls). This report allows the user to know which forces act above the base elevation
of the supports of a floor.
- Improvements in the Forces in columns, shear walls and
walls reports
Their general aspect and presentation has been improved.
- Column displacement and
column distortion reports
These reports are now displayed for persistent or transitory situations, seismic situations
and accidental situations instead of only displaying maximum values.
Other improvements in CYPECAD
- Joint redesign in CYPECAD
Once the job and the joints have been analysed, it is possible for only the joints to be
reanalysed. This option is useful for cases where, once the job has been analysed, the design
option of the joints are to be modified or the user wishes to change to a different type
of joint design (welded, bolted with prestressed or ordinary bolts, a different bolt series,
etc.). In other words, circumstances which do not affect the calculated forces in the structure
or the joints, and therefore the job does not have to be completely reanalysed.
- Lateral
buckling coefficients in sloped steel beams
Lateral buckling coefficients may be assigned to the top and bottom flanges of sloped steel
beams in CYPECAD.
- Beam axes displayed on screen
The axes of beams that have been introduced
may be displayed on screen, upon activating the Beam axis option within the Show references
dialogue box (Groups > Show references).
- Cracking
This is similar to what occurs in the case of the U.L.S. for
concrete failure. Now, project situations defined by the user can be defined for the U.L.S.
for cracking (Job > General
data > Limit states (combinations) button > Configure combinations for each limit state
button > Concrete or Foundations button > Project situations introduced by the user).
Definition of specific project situations is not necessary, as those indicated by the code
are included in the program, which does not require for the user to have to pat much attention
and so avoid accidently modifying coefficients.
Metal 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD
Data introduction assistant
- When a new job is created in Metal 3D an assistant is displayed which allows the user
to introduce the general data of the job:
- Codes (Concrete for foundations, Rolled and welded steel, Cold formed steel, Timber
and Extruded aluminium) and seismic code activation (dynamic spatial analysis).
- Additional loadcases.
- Limit states (load combinations).
- Steel data (rolled or welded and cold formed).
- Timber data
- Extruded aluminium data.
- Foundation data.
The material data defined within the assistant is that which is automatically assigned to
each element that is introduced. Using the option Bar > Describe material,
a different material to that defined for the job can be assigned to any element.
All the data defined within the assistant can be modified once the process has concluded.
This option is located within the Job menu in the Structures tab and
by clicking on Job > General data in the Foundations tab.
For this reason , the Job menu has been added to the Extruded aluminium
sections option so the user may modify the default data that has been defined for
the job for that material.
Concrete and generic bars in Metal 3D
- As of the 2010.e version, concrete or generic bars can be introduced in Metal 3D. Within
the Describe section dialogue box, two new buttons have been added: Concrete
bars and Generic section.
- Concrete bars
Rectangular and circular bars may be defined. The program calculates the forces which
these bars are submitted to and displays the results by simple loadcases, combinations
or envelopes. The resistance of concrete bars is not checked, i.e., their sections
are not checked or designed.
- Generic section
Metal 3D allows for generic bars of any other material to be defined. The program calculates
the forces which these bars are submitted to and displays the results by simple loadcases.
The resistance of the generic bars is not checked, i.e. their sections are not checked or
designed. The user defines the following properties of the bars once they have been positioned:
- Section
geometry. The user introduces the distances between the
centre of gravity and the surrounding outline of the section in the two directions
of each of the local axes of the section:
- Left width
- Right width
- Bottom depth
- Top depth
- Mechanical characteristics
- Area
- Shear area Avy
- Shear area Avz
- Bending inertia Iyy
- Bending inertia Izz
- Torsional inertia It
- Material
- Modulus of elasticity
- Poisson’s ratio
- Coefficient of thermal expansion
- Unit weight
Animated deformed shape
- An animated deformed shape of the structure has been implemented. The option is located
within the Force diagrams dialogue box (Analyse > Force diagrams). A button appears
to the right of the Deformed shape option which when clicked on causes a new window to
open displaying the animated deformation of the structure. It is modelled as a 3D bar diagram
and displays the deformed shape due to the selected load combination, indicated in the
same dialogue box.
For all programs
- Updates have been implemented in the program to correct small operating errors which can
arise on rare occasions
Code implementation and improvements in its application
Code implementation
- Wood code
- Eurocode 5 (National application document for France) - NF EN 1995-1-1/NA: 2007-04
and NF EN 1995-1-2/NA: 2007-04
- Eurocode 5 (National application document for Belgium) - prNBN EN 1995-1-1/ABN: 2008
and prNBN EN 1995-1-2/ABN: 2008
- Code regarding loads on structures. Earthquake loading
- Eurocode 8 (National application document for Belgium) - NBN-ENV 1998-1-1: 2002 NAD-E/N/F
Improvements in code application
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind
- Portal frame generator: The user can now define the Wind direction coefficient for
the codes indicated below (other codes do not consider this coefficient):
- Eurocode 1 (General document) - EN 1991-1-4 (2005)
- Eurocode 1 (National application document for Belgium) - prNBN EN 1991-1-4 ANB (2009)
- Eurocode 1 (National application document for France) - NF EN 1991-1-4/NA (2005)
More information can be found in the Portal Frame Generator section of the improvements
of this version (2010.c) on the data the user can introduce to define the wind direction
coefficient depending on the selected code.
- Portal frame generator: The internal calculation of the structural factor or dynamic
coefficient has been implemented to obtain the wind loading for the following codes:
- Structural factor CsCd
Indicated in section 6 of the following codes:
- Eurocode 1 (General document) - EN 1991-1-4 (2005)
- Eurocode 1 (National application document for Belgium) - prNBN EN 1991-1-4 ANB (2009)
- Eurocode 1 (National application document for France) - NF EN 1991-1-4/NA (2005)
- Eurocode 1 (General document adapted to Portugal) – EN 1991-1-4 (2005)
- Dynamic coefficient Cd
Indicated in section 3 of the following code:
- R.N.V. 99 D.T.R. C 2-4.7 (Algeria)
The Portal Frame Generator only takes into account this factor or coefficient to amplify the
wind loading that has been obtained. Therefore, it is not considered by the program if its
value is less than one.
Metal 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD
Detailed ultimate limit state verification reports
- Detailed ultimate limit state reports have been implemented for wooden bars which have
been analysed and designed using the following codes:
- Eurocode 5 (General document) - EN 1995-1-1: 2004 and EN 1995-1-2: 2004
- Eurocode 5 (National application document for France) NF EN 1995-1-1/NA: 2007-04 and
NF EN 1995-1-2/NA: 2007-04
- Eurocode 5 (National application document for Belgium) prNBN EN 1995-1-1/ABN: 2008
and prNBN EN 1995-1-2/ABN: 2008
Portal Frame Generator
Wind direction coefficient
- The wind direction coefficient can be defined (Job data > General job data > With
wind load option) for the codes indicated below (other codes do not consider this coefficient):
- Eurocode 1 (General document) - EN 1991-1-4 (2005)
The user can directly introduce the value of this coefficient for each of the wind directions
(0º, 90º, 180º and 270º) in accordance with the adaptations which may exist in the general
document of the country in which the building is located.
- Eurocode 1 (National application
document for Belgium) - prNBN EN 1991-1-4 ANB (2009)
The user defines the angle in the X axis in the positive direction with respect to north.
A diagram explaining which is the required angle is available by pressing a button next to
the introduction field of this value.
- Eurocode 1 (National application document for
France) - NF EN 1991-1-4/NA (2005)
The user defines the angle in the X axis in the positive direction with respect to north.
A diagram explaining which is the required angle is available by pressing a button next to
the introduction field of this value.
The program automatically selects one of the three zones
in which the French territory is divided into when it comes to defining the wind direction
coefficient, in accordance with the region indicated by the user in the same dialogue
box. Nonetheless, it is possible to select any zone regardless of the indicated region.
Next to the zone selection (1, 2 or 3) a button is available which displays a map where
the aforementioned zones are defined.
Structural coefficient or Dynamic coefficient
Code implementation and improvements in its application
Code implementation
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind loads
- R.N.V.99 D.T.R. C 2-4.7 (Argelia)
- Code regarding loads on structures. Snow loads
- Eurocode 1 (national application document for Belgium) NBN EN 1991-1-3/ANB
- Code regarding loads on structures. Seismic loads
- Eurocode 8 (national application document for France) NF EN 1998-1/NA
Improvements in code application
- Code regarding loads on structures. Wind loads
- The Roughness grade o Terrain category can be defined depending on the direction
of the wind (0º, 90º, 180º and 270º) for the codes indicated below (in previous versions,
this factor had to be the same for each of the four analysed wind directions):
- CTE DB SE-AE (Spain)
- Eurocode 1 (general document) EN 1991-1-4
- Eurocode 1 (national application document for France), NF EN 1991-1-4/NA
- Eurocode 1 (general document adapted to Portugal) EN 1991-1-4
- R.N.V.99 D.T.R. C 2-4.7 (Argelia)
Check for cracking
- As well as the check for cracking that can be activated for concrete beams in previous
versions, the check for cracking has been added for the following concrete reinforced
concrete elements:
- Sloped beams
The check for cracking in sloped beams is activated with
the same option as for all concrete beams (Job > Beam options > Cracking Code
- Strap and tie beams
The check for cracking for strap and tie beams
is activated in Job > General data > By
position button > Foundation tab> Strap and tie beam options button > Code check
for cracking
- Footings
The check for cracking for pad footings is activated in Job > General data > By position
button > Foundation tab > Strip and pad footing options > Code check for cracking
For codes BAEL-91 (R-99), CIRSOC 201-2005 and ACI
318 M-08, it is verified that the tension in the reinforcement does not exceed
that stated in the codes. The user classification is taken into account (cracking causing
little harm, Harmful or Very harmful). Cracking control in common beams (CYPECAD) is adapted
to the criteria of the code.
For the remaining codes, the fissure aperture is calculated, also checking
that this value is less than the admissible maximum, which may be edited by the user.
The load combinations are automatically generated in accordance with the concrete code,
depending on the data introduced in the Limit states dialogue: Job > General data > Limit
states (combinations) button.
- Joint consultation
Joints resolved for the connections with integrated 3D structures can be checked from
the Results tab.
- Baseplates in the connections with integrated 3D structures
Baseplates in the connections with integrated 3D structures can be designed when these
reach concrete columns or beams in CYPECAD (as long as no steel bars reach the node or other
steel bars of the integrated 3D structure). Therefore, as of the 2010.b version, the Joints
I and Joints II modules resolve, in CYPECAD, the baseplate connections to footings, pile
caps, slabs, and concrete columns and beams.
Joints III. Welded - Building frames with rolled and welded steel I sections module
Trimming of stiffeners of beams fixed to column webs
- The Joints III module designs the connections by optionally trimming the stiffeners
reaching column webs. The trimming of the stiffeners can be defined in the joints option
configuration dialogue box (In Metal 3D: Joints > Options > Stiffeners tab, and
in CYPECAD: Job > Joint analysis options > Stiffeners tab).
This option does not
imply any changes in the structural check only aspects related to the aesthetics of
the composition and the number of cutting operations that must be undertaken in its
construction phase. Upon activating the option, the trimming of the stiffener is carried
out if the following requisites are complied with:
- The smaller side of the trim must be greater than 10 mm.
- The angle formed between the inclined side of the trim and the plane perpendicular to the web of the column must be greater than 15º.
Inclined stiffeners of beams fixed to column flanges
- When the elevation difference between the flanges of the beams fixed to the flanges
of a column is small, great difficulty exists to correctly weld a stiffener to each flange.
In these cases, the Joints III module can design the connection and offers two possible
- A single horizontal stiffener between both flanges
This is placed when the free distance
between the flanges of the beams is less than or equal to the thickness of the stiffener.
- An inclined flange between both flanges
This is placed when the free distance between
the flanges of the beams is greater than the thickness of the stiffener and smaller
than the distance which allows for two stiffeners to be placed (one for each flange).
The program does not allow a beam fixed to the web to be supported by an inclined stiffener.
3D views of non-resolved nodes
- When non-resolved nodes are consulted (Joints > Consult), the Joints III module shows
a 3D view of the elements and the connections that have been resolved up to the point
at which the error has occurred preventing the completion of the joint design.
Export to Tekla Structures
- The 15.0 SR1 version of Tekla Structures is added to the existing list of
versions of this program to which a structure analysed and designed
in CYPECAD or Metal 3D can be exported to.
- References of the exported elements
The references of the elements which appear in the
Tekla Structures reports are exported from CYPECAD and Metal 3D. This way, these
references will be the same in Tekla Structures and in CYPECAD and Metal 3D.
Export to Tekla Structures, TecnoMetal 4D and CIS/2 format
- Exporting aluminium elements
Metal 3D and Integrated 3D structures of CYPECAD allow
for designed aluminium elements to be exported to Tekla Structures, TecnoMetal 4D
and to CIS/2 format
Other versions