The 2019.c version of CYPE programs is a version to correct program errors. It does not include any new features with respect to the 2019.b version.
Shown below are the errors that have been corrected and a link to consult the new features of the 2019.b version.
In the "Climatique" tab of CYPECAD MEP installed in French, it was possible to select an air conditioning system (Flexa 3.0) that is not available in the Price Generator for France, which caused an error in the program. Instead of this system, the "Innobus Pro6" system of "Airzone" should appear, which is available in the Generator. This error is corrected with the 2019.c version.
If, in the list of "Pipes" that can be seen in the " Design and check options to be carried out" (which appears by selecting the “General options” in the "Project" section of the top toolbar) only one pipe could be seen, it could not be introduced in the project. Users had to define more than one, even only one was going to be used in the project. In the 2019.c version, one pipe can be introduced even if only that type is present in the mentioned pipes list.
The “Location data” panel of CYPETHERM LOADS of the 2019.b version did not save the changes that had been carried out by users. The problem has been corrected in the 2019.c version.
Under certain conditions, the Arquimedes module: "Automatic quantity import from drawings and link with CAD programs" caused an error when the quantities had been exported from the CAD program. If, in the dialogue where the error text appeared, the "Exit" option was selected, users could import the measurements that had been carried out in the CAD program in Arquimedes without any problem. This error no longer appears in the 2019.c version.
In certain applications included in the Open BIM workflow, in the panel where the files to be imported from the BIM project are selected, it is also possible to select whether the programs that have generated those files are of the "Initiator" or "Additional" type. In the 2019.b version, the name of these types and the texts of the headings of the table where the selection was carried out were not correct. The names and texts of the headings are corrected in the 2019.c version.